Our great, wonderful God

The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Monday in the Thirty-first Week of Ordinary Time, Year I, 06 November 2023
Romans 11:29-36   ><))))*> + ><))))*> + ><))))*>   Luke 14:12-14
Photo by author, St. Scholastica Retreat Center, Baguio City, August 2023.
Dearest God our loving Father,
I join St. Paul today in praising
you through Jesus Christ your Son
who made us experience personally
your transcendence and 

"Oh, the depth of the riches
and wisdom and knowledge 
of God!  How inscrutable 
are his judgments and how 
unsearchable his ways!
For who has known the mind
of the Lord or who has been
his counselor?  Or who has
given him anything that he may 
be repaid?
For from him and through him
and for him are all things.
To God be glory forever.
(Romans 11:33-36)
Photo by author, Katmon Nature Sanctuary & Beach Resort, Infanta, Quezon, 04 March 2023.
Forgive me, O God,
in always trying to reduce you
to our human level when I try
to explain how and why things
are happening in my life,
in the world;
you are simply beyond and
transcendent, surpassing all
we can think about you -
the moment we realize a truth
about you, it is never enough;
at the same time, you are 
immanent, totally present in
everything you have made,
yet still, so close and so far
at the same time!
Deepen my faith in you,
Father through Jesus Christ;
let me trust you as St. Paul
assured us today that your gifts
and call are permanent and
irrevocable (Romans 11:29);
let me follow Christ's admonition
in the gospel to think more of
others than of myself especially
the poor, the crippled, the lame,
the blind and those who could 
never repay me (Luke 14:13);
let me realize that it is in
sharing your gifts to me with
others that I am truly enriched
not when I insist on my own interests.

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