Sigh, and be kind!

The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Monday in the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time, Year II, 12 February 2023
James 1:1-11  ><))))*> + ><))))*> + ><))))*>  Mark 8:11-13
Photo by author, Lake of Galilee in Israel, May 2019.
Dear Jesus:
I love that word "kind"
from the responsorial psalm
"Be kind to me, Lord,
and I shall live"
and that scene from the
Gospel when you "sighed":
the word "kind"
is from the root "kin"
or "kindred", that is,
someone like us,
from the same family,
or the same tribe;
being kind is treating others
as one's family or kin
and that is how you are to us -
And you were most like one of us,
and kind, dear Jesus
when you "sighed from the depth
of your spirit" (Mk. 8:12)
after the Pharisees
asked you for sign from heaven
to prove you were the Christ;
of course, that meant nothing
for the Pharisees but for us
who believe in you, it was something;
like you, dear Jesus,
many times we sigh out of
exasperation and exhaustion,
acceptance and surrender,
hope and inspiration
to persevere,
to keep on,
to forge on in life.
You became like us,
dear Jesus,
in everything except sin
but, when you sighed
we felt you being so kind too,
truly a brother to us
like when St. James
addressed us 15 times
as "brothers and sisters"
in his short letter
while teaching us the important
lesson of bearing all trials
in life as you did at your
Crucifixion, Lord.
Whenever we sigh,
may we remember your kindness,
your being one with us, Jesus
because you too sighed
during those amazing moments
of difficulties and trials,
powerlessness and poverty
when we most gain character
and depth as person,
not when we are strong
and powerful
or successful.

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